Some therapeutic herbs in Chinese medicine can be simple food that is found from the kitchen or shops. They are good sources of nutrition and energy boosters perfect for breakfast and snacks. This is a healthy vegan breakfast consisting of multi grains and roots.
Ingredients introduction:
Shan Yao – Improve digestion, supports the stomach and spleen for better absorption.
Yi Yi Ren – Barley helps increase water metabolism in the body.
Qian Shi – Manage chronic diarrhea due to digestion weakness.
Bai He – Calming effects on spirit. Stops dry cough.
Lian Zi – Lotus seed nourishes the heart and calms down the spirit.
All the ingredients are grinded together into powder form. Add a few spoonful of the grinded powder to your porridge bowl, smoothies, overnight oats, or bread dough for a healthy meal. Contact Josephine for a customized healthy breakfast powder that is complementary to your health conditions!

When you come to see Josephine for acupuncture therapy, feel free to ask for a dietary advice report based on your individual health conditions.
Phone: 02 9453 3046 Address: 7/55 Sorlie Rd, Frenchs Forest, Sydney
Book online: https://bodyoflife.com.au/book-online/
Email: [email protected]