Why is the significance in drying our hair after taking shower?

In Chinese medicine philosophy, the concept of “Yang” energy is associated with warmth, vitality, and activity, while “Yin” energy is associated with coldness, stillness, and rest. Keeping our body warm is important for maintaining good health and preventing illnesses. One way to preserve our body’s heat is by properly drying our hair after a shower.

When we take a shower, the water can penetrate our hair and scalp, which can make us feel cold and decrease our body’s overall warmth. This is especially true during the colder months of the year. In modern language, this philosophy can be translated in preventing heat lost on the scalp during evaporation of hair drying process. Heat lost in scalp slow down blood circulation, which may cause migraine, head distension, headache, sinusitis, and rhinitis, especially during menstruation and immunity compromised period. Therefore, it’s important to dry our hair thoroughly to prevent this loss of body heat.

Common ways to dry our hair:

Hairdryer. However, dry heat may damage our hair. When using hair drying, it is recommended to use natural products, such as coconut oil or argan oil, to keep our hair moist and shiny. These oils can be applied to our hair after washing and can help prevent excessive drying and damage.

Anti-frizz quick-drying. These cap towels are made from special materials that absorb moisture quickly, making them ideal for use after a shower.

Do no sleep while hair is wet. If any suggestion of the above are not working for you. Please make sure your hair is dry before going to bed at night.

Properly drying our hair after a shower is important for preserving our body’s heat and keeping good immunity. By taking these simple ways, we can maintain good health and keep our hair looking and feeling its best.

When you come to see Josephine for acupuncture therapy, feel free to ask for a dietary advice report based on your individual health conditions.

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